Ex Parte WICKS et al - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2002-0410                                                                                        
              Application No. 08/802,575                                                                                  

              rejection, and to appellants’ brief (Paper No. 11, filed Sep. 29, 1998) and reply brief                     
              (Paper No. 13, filed Mar. 4, 1999) for appellants’ arguments thereagainst.                                  

                     In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given careful consideration to                      
              appellants’ specification and claims, to the applied prior art reference, and to the                        
              respective positions articulated by appellants and the examiner.  As a consequence of                       
              our review, we make the determinations which follow.                                                        
                     Appellants argue that Wang does not teach or suggest the use of “a bargain                           
              information database” as recited in independent claims 1 and 9.  We agree with                              
                     The examiner maintains throughout the Final Rejection, the Examiner’s Answer                         
              and Supplemental Examiner’s Answer that it would have been obvious to one of                                
              ordinary skill in the art to include any type of message information in the messaging                       
              system of Wang, such as bargain information.  We disagree with the examiner’s                               
              conclusion which goes well beyond any level of reasonableness.  If we were to find this                     
              argument persuasive, we would have to find that any data is obvious in view of a                            
              teaching of any other type of completely unrelated data.  Here, Wang merely teaches                         
              the storage of subscriber information for locating the customers in a customer paging                       
              area and storage of the message to be processed.  (Wang at col. 2).  From this basic                        


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