Ex Parte FUKUDA et al - Page 5

                Appeal No.  2002-1557                                                 Page 5                  
                Application No. 09/305,746                                                                    

                2.    Rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 112, second paragraph                                       
                      The entire statement of the rejection as found in the Examiner’s Answer is              
                set forth below.                                                                              
                             Claims 2-14 are rejected under 35 USC 112, second                                
                      paragraph, as being indefinite for failing to particularly point out and                
                      distinctly claim he subject matter which Applicant regards as the                       
                Examiners Answer, page 5.                                                                     
                      The panel would first like to note that the statement of the rejection does             
                not set forth what the examiner is objecting to.  Again, looking to the examiner’s            
                response to argument, it appears that the examiner finds the phrases “by a                    
                technique other than spraying” and “an oily composition comprising an oily                    
                component” indefinite.  See Examiner’s Answer, page 7.                                        
                      According to the examiner, the phrase “by a technique other than                        
                spraying” is ambiguous because “[i]t is unclear whether the claims are directed to            
                every single technique known in the art, excluding spraying.”  Id.  Similarly, the            
                examiner finds the phrase “an oily composition comprising an oily component                   
                vague and indefinite because “it is unclear what oily composition Appellant is                
                referring to that is present in the composition,” and that “[t]he composition may             
                comprise any possible ingredients in addition to an oily component.”  Id.                     
                      The examiner’s concern appears to be that the objected to terms are                     
                over-broad.  “[B]readth is not to be equated with indefiniteness,” and the rejection          
                is reversed.  In re Miller, 441 F.2d 689, 693, 169 USPQ 597, 600 (CCPA 1971);                 
                see also In re Hyatt, 708 F.2d 712, 714-15, 218 USPQ 195, 197 (Fed. Cir. 1983).               

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