Ex Parte BRIDGES et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2003-0172                                                        
          Application 09/810,801                                                      

          USPQ2d 1127, 1129 n.2 (Fed. Cir. 1995); 37 CFR                              
          § 1.192(c)(7)(1997).                                                        
               The terms in patent claims are to be given their broadest              
          reasonable interpretation in view of the specification.  See In             
          re Zletz, 893 F.2d 319, 321, 13 USPQ2d 1320, 1322 (Fed. Cir.                
               The appellants’ specification states that the term “crude              
          oil feedstock” “may include primary, secondary or tertiary                  
          recoveries of conventional or offshore oil fields as well as the            
          myriad of feedstocks derived therefrom as well as ‘syncrudes’               
          such as those that can be derived from coal, shale oil, tar sands           
          and bitumens” (page 2, line 22 - page 3, line 4).  The                      
          specification also states that prior art steam cracking processes           
          typically “require the feedstock to be deasphalted and                      
          hydrotreated prior to feeding the feedstock into the steam                  
          cracking unit” (page 1, line 17 - page 2, line 1), and that                 
          “[l]ess costly means [i.e., the appellants’ process] for                    
          producing olefins is desired” (page 2, line 3).  Also, the                  
          appellants do not argue that the gas oil in Wernicke ‘520                   
          (col. 3, lines 44-55) is not a crude oil as that term is used by            
          the appellants.                                                             


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