Ex Parte BRIDGES et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2003-0172                                                        
          Application 09/810,801                                                      

               The appellants state that “[a]lthough it may arguably be               
          obvious to use low asphaltene feeds in the Wernicke two-step                
          process, there is nothing to suggest to one of ordinary skill in            
          the art to use low asphaltene feeds in a non-obvious one-step               
          process” (appeal brief, page 6).  Thus, the appellants do not               
          argue that it would have been unobvious to one of ordinary skill            
          in the art to use, in the Wernicke two step process, a crude oil            
          feed having low asphaltenes, i.e., pentane insolubles less than             
          or equal to 1.2.  The appellants’ argument is that it would not             
          have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to                    
          thermally steam crack this crude oil without first hydrotreating            
               The appellants argue that the statement in Wernicke ‘520               
          that “[p]etroleum fractions having such a boiling range [380ºC to           
          700ºC] are unsuitable for direct thermal cracking, since besides            
          a small yield of olefins, additional products are pyrolysis oil,            
          coke, and tar” indicates that hydrotreatment is necessary before            
          petroleum fractions within the boiling range of the crude oil of            
          the appellants’ invention are thermally steam cracked (brief,               
          page 5).  In the Wernicke ‘520 examples, however, the feed gas              
          oil has a boiling range of 208-354ºC, which is below the range in           
          the above excerpt.  Wernicke ‘520 does not state that the lower             


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Last modified: November 3, 2007