Ex Parte MILES et al - Page 8

                     Appeal No.  2003-1105                                                                           Page 8                       
                     Application No.  09/738,461                                                                                                  
                                                       FURTHER PROCEEDINGS                                                                        
                              We are not authorizing a Supplemental Examiner’s Answer under the                                                   
                     provisions of 37 CFR § 1.193(b)(1).  Any further communication from the                                                      
                     examiner that contains a rejection of the claims should provide appellants with a                                            
                     full and fair opportunity to respond.                                                                                        

                                                   VACATED-IN-PART; REMANDED                                                                      

                                               Donald E. Adams                            )                                                       
                                               Administrative Patent Judge                )                                                       
                                                                                          ) BOARD OF PATENT                                       
                                               Demetra J. Mills                          )                                                       
                                               Administrative Patent Judge                )   APPEALS AND                                         
                                                                                          ) INTERFERENCES                                         
                                               Lora M. Green                             )                                                       
                                               Administrative Patent Judge                )                                                       

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