AKITADA et al v. AKITADA et al v. GRUNDMANN et al - Page 24

               Patent Interference No. 103,892                                                        Page 24                           

               f. Junior Party Davie’s motion under 37 CFR §§ 1.48(b) and 1.634 to amend its                                            
               interfering application 08/175,717 to correct inventorship (paper no. 57).                                               
                   DISMISSED for the reasons above.                                                                                     

                      For Interference 103,892, it is                                                                                   
                      ORDERED that judgment on priority as to Count 1, the sole count in this                                           
               interference, is awarded against junior party EARL W. DAVIE, AKITADA ICHINOSE,                                           
               RONALD L. SEARLE, JULIE A. HOLLY, and GARY E. PARKER;                                                                    
                      FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the Board of Patent Appeals and                                        
               Interferences, junior party EARL W. DAVIE, AKITADA ICHINOSE, RONALD L.                                                   
               SEARLE, JULIE A. HOLLY, and GARY E. PARKER, is not entitled to a patent                                                  
               containing claims 7,9,16-17,23-25,27,29,31,37,39-40,44-45 (corresponding to Count 1)                                     
               of Davie’s 08/169,749 application, filed December 17, 1993;                                                              
                      FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the Board of Patent Appeals and                                        
               Interferences, junior party EARL W. DAVIE, AKITADA ICHINOSE, RONALD L.                                                   
               SEARLE, JULIE A. HOLLY, and GARY E. PARKER, is not entitled to a patent                                                  
               containing claims 36-40 (corresponding to Count 1) of Davie’s 08/175,717 application,                                    
               filed December 30, 1993;                                                                                                 
                      FURTHER ORDERED that, on the record before the Board of Patent Appeals and                                        
               Interferences, senior party ULRICH GRUNDMANN, EGON AMANN, and GERD                                                       

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