Ex Parte DRUMMOND - Page 1

                                           The opinion in support of the decision being                                  
                                        entered today is not binding precedent of the Board.                             
                                                                                                  Paper 67               
            Filed by: Interference Trial Section Merits Panel                                                            
                   Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences                                                             
                   Mail Stop Interference Filed:                                                                         
                   P. 0. Box 1450 June 27, 2003                                                                          
                   Alexandria, VA 22313-1450                                                                             
                   Tel: 703-308-9797                                                                                     
                   Fax: 703-305-0942                                                                                     
                              UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                  

                                   BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                    
                                               AND INTERFERENCES                                                         

                                          GEOFFREY N. DRUMMOND and FAXED                                                 
                                                 RICHARD SCHOLL                                                          
                                                     Junior Party, JUN 2 7 2003                                          
                                                  (Patent ý,001,224), pAT & T V1.                                        
                                                                                     SO41tO (5F 134iENT APPEALS          
                                                           V. ANDIN-fFRFERENCES                                          
                                        HANS SIGNER, EDUARD KUGLER,                                                      
                                   KLAUS WELLERDIECK, HELMUT RUDIGIER                                                    
                                                 and WALTER HAAG                                                         
                                                     Senior Party                                                        
                                               (Application 09/724,449).                                                 

                                            Patent Interference No. 104,720                                              

            Before: SCHAFER, TORCZON and TIERNEY, Administrative Patent Judges.                                          
            SCHAFER, Administrative Patent Judg .                                                                        
                                   JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO 37 CFR § 1.662                                                   
                   The parties have filed ajoint request to have adverse judgment entered against each party.            
            Paper 66. Accordingly, it is                                                                                 

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Last modified: November 3, 2007