Ex Parte DRUMMOND - Page 2

                        ORDERED that J .udgment on priority as to the subject matter of Count I (Paper 1, p. 5),                                     
               is awarded against the junior party GEOFFREY N. DRUMMOND and RICHARD SCHOLL;                                                          
                        FURTHER ORDERED that junior party, GEOFFREY N. DRUMA40ND and                                                                 
               RICHARD SCHOLL, is not entitled to a patent containing claims 1-38 (corresponding to Count                                            
               1) of Patent 6,001,224;                                                                                                               
                        FURTHER ORDERED that judgment 8n priority as to the subject matter of Count J, i§                                            
               awarded against the senior party HANS SIGNER, EDUARD KUGLER, KLAUS                                                                    
               WELLERDIECK, HELMUT RUDIGIER and WALTER HAAG;                                                                                         
                        FURTHERORDERED that senior party, HANS SIGNER, EDUARD KUGLER,                                                                
               KLAUS WELLERDIECK, HELMUT RUDIGIER and WALTER HAAG, is not entitled to a                                                              
               patent containing claims 16-20 (corresponding to Count 1) of Application 09/724,449;                                                  
                        FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be made of record in Application                                                
               09/724,449 and in the file of Patent 6,001,224; and                                                                                   
                        FURTHER ORDERED that if there is any settlement agreement which has not been                                                 
               filed, attention is directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and 37 CFR. § 1.661.                                                               

                                         RICHARD E. SCHAFER                                                                                          
                                         Administrative Patent Judge                                                                                 

                                                                                        BOARD OF PATENT                                              
                                         4CHAR-D TOR ON APPEALS AND                                                                                  
                                         Administrative Patent J INTERFERENCES                                                                       

                                         MICHAEL P. TIERNEY                                                                                          
                                         Administrative Patent Judge                                                                                 


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Last modified: November 3, 2007