stationary wave steal stationary wave n. A standing wave. stanch. -see rl`ý .] LFilm and imadfitia. exc_ arýhh Station break C. A paime an a broadcast prograin to allow for strong Construction or common "ve he non. CAI Th ?lot 'ro I'll", the identification of the network or mum. Commonly spelled stclach. hot the verb foren aalat4-aa lave, pinch. -vi sta-tion-er (sti'sthartar) a [ME stacionner < Med. lat station- spelled stanch. adv. _Aaa. ., a% f finobt Arms, shopkeeper < eatic. shop < Lat, autionj L A seller of am- staunch' (sonsch, stanch) v. vat, of stAff", cast a ;0. 1Y 0 OF Of tortery. L Obs. A_ A Publisher. Is. A bookseller. Stalarro-lite (sift'a-Ift') a (Fr. < Ck. im ýp , 41 Follod gelling: rai (sers[I n. LWoming paper and envelopes. black mincral, chiefly FeA4Silow(OH), often Cloij A IF rf act b"Icit. -0' 2. Writing or typing marefull. grown ClyStals, occas, used .. a gern. _Asasa.;.ý'h '41 ý;l;ý (PAE 01 thing Jnvk situation hostile n. L A Police SIALIMLL A file lutiOn- telds) as L (sd'3han-mJs'mr) a An official in charge of a strip Of wood fouling pan of the sides of a coo ilt (tiat frivestave (glv) a [Back-frinflutiOn < Jimir, pL Of I , IS scene Cells railroad sticion. of mb. L A nang of a ladder or chair & ýý Jl J!, eltht) Stations of the Cross pl.n. L A devotion that consists of medi- 5. A set of verses: srrý . _v. aisla'" ifA Adf LN A q ;ý tation before each of the images or representation, set up usu. in a ftvm -vt L To break in or Fulcrum Or jill' Y [ME a' church in commemoram 14 events in the piumn of jesus. L The 14 smash a hole am I To crush or smash of 11.4 My h. Erthe stI QNI* 4 Igerat) ý The M! ustages mprelienting the events of the passion of Christ crushed in. -vitsive CIL To le"Zor w -11 T, ;;fýt--fer, Station wagon n. An automobile having An extended interim, sitaivess (stin) a For. Ill. off yrý.ý'j I on, ': third seat or luggag, platform, And a tailgam. JaUvell-Acre C. 11, Aft OCC Or eO By folk any. c ME P , C Card aelf-tistfle (sta-dirtile) m [Rack-forfultion < ,AroI LA no- =Phu agna < CIL, wild ration.] L A lokespor osjlhk,ý e anericad digum. L An estimate of a parameter s, of the population gind Of 30uthern Europe, with greculish-win ' P 10 t k. cc isleatta., mean or .nnce, obtained from a sample 3 random variable that Cam takes on the characteristim of 2 autistic Star (ad) v staraid, ftrJzaa, sum [IQ 1 0 , I. AAced" of the seavessem, fOmcffTused,1fl,0*,;,ý1L ll We b, (sta-da'd-Jul) adi. Of, relsong to of wing statistics; or esse, an stop < Ut suffe, to =oil J -11 L T. a' of banddi equip the principles of statistics. -vu-d.'tJu,.l' 'dv. place or condition <sfay hmfac><COuldbj-, A.-j!"clis 4 '1 se, al A wit"Itiss-rivissin (scit-l"Cish'411) I LA specialist in statistics. subject> L To sojourn a a gout 0, lodger <ualleal It at (gem CIO L One who compfles Of statistical data. cmumary housae> 3. To stop moving 44 cifti, A sta-thiiticit (sta-elet1h) M (G. Statimik political science < Mat hold on:iurnjý. 6. To keep up in a:aý 'ILToar "x 4 "Ure. Itstisticut. Of sure affairs < fit sortu% st]i, -ace srAra.] L (sing. to Poker without raising it -as. L To 7T [- Allies h in number). The mathematics of the collection, organ zation, And postpone: delay. I To delay or step th nall Qr14ý 'ht,' c d from L ifusillmostiOn Of numerical d2u. L (pl. in number). A collection of legal action or mandatc. 41. To satisfy C effatfif ;0_00 dc"Vem M A. folormil< laxis A"J"' ;Oswe. .... numerical dats. get with A arI S. Obs. To wait for. 1, filys. I ;&aCý6adsmg""' dir Statts- Pref [< CIL stams, standing placed.] L Resting: remaining baiting: ClUM L The act of win ' ' WAr " d Cylinder I <sComblast> L Equilibrium: balance <gmCyu> residence or visiting 4. Suspension or POSA A led 4, A (geratuar) n stjatýblsurt (saeablist) a An Asexually produced encapsulated <4 =7 Of turecutiOn> Ponenewei all ip er d bud of a freshwater bryonan from which new individuals develop A EYM: YrAT, SOJO111I VMT P. M 04 ;aý_"Vojx - A blain'kS a ;0ý a, smace after the parent colony has disontegrated. gout of lodger <=Yed with firusI six cl;ý astatýcyant (nie"ise) n. A small organ of balancc In many inCT J! - bi refutes, consulting Of A fluld-filled me containing statoliths that help ý eA=PPonOfcým2n'cOng]LTom on"OsIll;as tZ Vil "Caniship c!f I- star (sts) m arassruji. imarina sum [or, 1. ýaaxjxk indicate position when the anim, moves sustain mentally Or Virtually. I To man 01 fppo'n Off PI figter (stIm Stilt-whith (sull-Ith') a A small movable concretion of calcium L A support : line,. L A strip of Ill. sleatio d repair of I cubmilm found in statneysin bace pjAme faA' Qr;k 'a sdffCn A Patent I altaim. A COML carcZ wrion raft sy"mm" sta-tor (sti'mr) & (lat, One that sunds < asions, p.pare of store, an star In,) a [ME < OE$td%.1 L A heavy repc OrQbk Frisian befi. stand.] The stationary pan of a machine, such as a motor, dynarno, a bract Of COPPOll for A Coast 01 $par L A fol, used fand'N As 3 be W. .. A, two,_a,, is piped to lac or turbine, about which a into, fores. something. _V 6"ye4 -M LTs assital fte"In the rticjc that Stllltý arjpac (som`ýskop') n. L A hammeter for recording small stly. 2. To Put (a ship) an the OPP"Ame vanations on Atmospheric pleasure. L A device for indicating small 1111401118 POW" C- Sumina: endurance. millas 1.1aer clan St.uck -Va. To -k ,in on changes in an sirpliIne's altitude. afty-in strike (StAln') I A job idea this, manian a,,Pped wa istat-al-a" (stich'II a. Pl. 4m [partly < Lat. Coronado, an of down or work stoppage by employees who mme, st As W of irresistible force making games, and partly < UL mceledill. sculptor, both < learn. place, level with 2 Anna of A game < statim. narlic.] L Signs collectively. 2. A sculp. a 910self " of To fully mr. 3. The Am of making names. St. Bermard (silne har-rdrd') a The figula, oil blood Cristity-Saill -all') 11 Al"t. A tria , force- Start-ise (stifh'db) a [ME < OFr. ý lAt. am= < sontem. to act up. stlead (sad) n. [ME < Saint Bernall 'fil biP (,em'slilf -SM rl`Aý .] A form or likenesic sculpted, modeled, Carved, at <my friend w of to C OE I The place of pfaccull, 10CAM 0 "Cana or P Cast an fraterial such As stone, clay, wood, or bromm stessal4ala, ait To meeting in my smati> _n ,M-dnw vtuat-lzýqauc (such'itti-Esle) cell. Like a game, cspý in a=, grace, stead-fast a t ($led - "CAM table as. A tabof advantag, in: .. k Shovel a A 9 or dignity: srArtuy. adv. OE amdefý : e, pl.C + fast f Air w. by I r. I d4 [ha "cam mu stexass or I Astatm-ecte (such,6ji-ae) a A small sumc. ing :: TIL&L'T. F. y loyal or -a ocý fatatxre (stich'zr) ii. [ME < Oft < Lat stim. c storts, ppra, of td t'n t..,,Cd aping Of thm" 111. AAuY (Areme) ad!- Mae. to stand.) L The natural height of a human or animal body in stead-V (smille) full. j .4 t. JL in upright position. L A level achieved: srArus. xuý L Direct and unu - I ev "T'Jiny finn ,a kitchen> 2 ý 3. 'AaaAaAl.AA statsta (sareas sueas) a (Lat, Condition, p.p2n of aram. to standj quality, or a slo y t in (ste.aplan) L The legal chatiacter or condition of a person or thing <the starm; <suody .,Pjce e :de ridable as. "C"Ap of a minor> L A stage of progrests or development. 3. st. Relgive :SORIK _V. st kid h 'Al, of pancleatic Page it A n 6 r. 7. 1 glycerol. position in a ranked group or in a social system <the high so= of or become area 4 S ýda ... (Atea-gle, $1 physicians> Is. ffigh relative Position <a job with am=> 4. A larly and excill lvel 's a aturic acid. =it of affairs: swillAnON. . a mvwqc (ste-Ar1k, stir stit-tual quo (struis kwW, stle2s) a (Lat., sum in which.] The Steady State n. A stable condition that does cor clo:, ce Or "I's, in 01 slacila existing condition: VAn OF ýxrjtsý or an which change to one direction a contOicav slaýav swearic sicial m A Status word n. A computer storage location which provides dau thing in Another. C)j0CFja).XOOH, occu in mature an interrupted program. stassaid-y-state theory (stEd'e-scit') & A cousilatca saw fria-ita-ria, (sa'Ar-In, sdr stoatmý-ljde (alch'a-ea-bol) ath. L Enacmd regulated, or autho- that assurnes; that the law-malle view of the unrincisime"aw ýcemvs tidolless, =1 ficed by sum. : 1717Aý Xr. L Legally punishable : recognized by of the position of the observer in space And nue led ýX :A. C.WCljjo,), used i stature <. immutable offecalI sm. of the universe, required on other grounds, umtý a ,n, L Sciatic acid. 3. sertat-arte (sticli'di5t) n. [ME < Off. earectut < LlAt. StOmmust I Ut., by the continuous Creation of marter. 'u-s-ropýterse (ste'z Amoutus, P-part. of sustialue, in set up < sumas p.part of store, in steak (st1k) a [ME sityk, < ON Mik) LA FL. Of Air A I The portion of . stand.] L A law enacted by the legislative zascWly of a nation or beef, typically cut In a thick Aliceacross the mu-ifle pria L 4 ý ,,ulLi.e wild 0 sum. L A limme of effict. 3. An established law or mle, cap. of a slice of a large fish cut acrou the body. 3. A pay it V= Aa u-a-Ute (ste'o-de) t corporaition. Chat has been prepared like A steak. -zý tallo..] A milassiv, statute law a A law established by legislative criactessent, steak hostile a A resuffunt specialifing in beruma dabas M L.Inon. u'ý statute smile a attax 1. steak leans , A uble knife with A sharp, co" se W 'I'Aukto-yeat. [Cla. e: st Staituft Of u. lAw. A statute Rating a time limit Steak itar-tuare (tietir) - fý ý Fr minfe. TarocIIIA1, star-aýf-"is (vtrý' on legal action in certain &,sea raw ground beef camed with onjo= ,4 ad .- M larin' in .Umaltion. stat-u-torry (soich'ýoef, -Mea) Odi L Of or latmg of 4 stature, steal (.tell V. .. 1. (501), A as civybo' viellia, w" el'fatývjrg+& (ste-4 L Emend, regulated, or Authorized by summ. IMEgilen < oEsul.] -n LTO take (Ih'Promm a'" ramp I Excesisive Acetic Statutory Offense a A legal offemse declared by stamitc. without right or mmusion, LTO get Or foor"I'loh "C'__ Flask (.pfl'lk, -pl'olk), Statutory rappe a Sexual untemourse: with a 0 who has not reached the mimicry age of consent Staunch, (st6mcb. stailich) also stanch launch stinch) adj. ý, Apat tipay licarm Jfsuber epan fbc bwaske" ýust on out th t -est. [ME stanniche. waternigla < Off. sitaiI caracelizer, in I tic fir pier 6 pot a reas, 6 pow, for M no" " as was -buse all visionPage: Previous 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007