Ex Parte BLANDY - Page 3

             Appeal No. 2002-0273                                                                                  
             Application No. 09/078,933                                                                            

                    Kolawa is directed to a system for software testing.  The reference describes an               
             endeavor in creating an automated test suite generation tool for assisting a programmer               
             in the generation and execution validation of test suites capable of covering most                    
             source code branches and fully exercising a program’s functionality.  Test suite                      
             generation involves creating a set of inputs which force the program to execute different             
             parts of the source code.  Col. 1, l. 26 - col. 2, l. 32.                                             
                    Kolawa’s system comprises, in general (Fig. 1), a test generation system (TGS)                 
             10, which receives as an input a computer program expressed as source code 11.  The                   
             TGS automatically generates as an output a test suite database 12.                                    
                    The reference describes a JAVA implementation of the system at column 16, line                 
             44 et seq.  Kolawa teaches a JAVA platform 202 (Fig. 16), and compiling JAVA source                   
             code 200 into intermediate, portable bytecodes 210, which are not machine-specific.                   
             Col. 16, l. 62 - col. 17, l. 28.  The bytecodes are a relatively high-level representation of         
             the JAVA source code.  Accordingly, in the context of Runtime System 222, the                         
             bytecodes are interpreted by JAVA interpreter 220, or turned into machine code by                     
             Just-In-Time Compiler 214.  Col. 17, l. 51-65.  The TGS provides capability to                        
             symbolically interpret a program in order to get symbolic information about the values of             
             the program variables at any given point of execution, thus providing information on                  


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