Ex Parte BLANDY - Page 7

                 Appeal No. 2002-0273                                                                                                                
                 Application No. 09/078,933                                                                                                          

                          The reference refers to “interpreting” and “compiling” consistent with their                                               
                 customary meanings in the art.  To “interpret” is understood to mean “[t]o analyze and                                              
                 execute each statement in a source program before translating and executing the next                                                
                 statement.”  IBM Dictionary of Computing at 355 (1994 ed.).  The primary meaning of                                                 
                 “compile” is to “translate all or part of a program expressed in a high-level language into                                         
                 a computer program expressed in an intermediate language, an assembly language, or                                                  
                 a machine language.”  Id. at 125.  “Compiling” thus connotes generating a computer                                                  
                 program output, rather than step-by-step translation of statements.                                                                 
                          In any event, the compilers to which the rejection refers are not part of the                                              
                 operation test generation systems or methods described by Kolawa, upon which the                                                    
                 rejection further relies.  The combinations set forth by claims 4-32 have thus not been                                             
                 shown in the reference.  Cf. Lindemann Maschinenfabrik GmbH v. American Hoist &                                                     
                 Derrick Co., 730 F.2d 1452, 1458, 221 USPQ 481, 485 (Fed. Cir. 1984) (anticipation                                                  
                 requires the presence in a single prior art reference disclosure of each and every                                                  
                 element of the claimed invention, arranged as in the claim).                                                                        
                          For the foregoing reasons we sustain the rejection of claims 1-3, but do not                                               
                 sustain the rejection of claims 4-32.                                                                                               


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