Ex Parte JOHNSON et al - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2002-1042                                                        
          Application No. 09/262,102                                                  

          Representative claim 1 is reproduced as follows:                            
               1.  A display device comprising a matrix of pixels, in which           
          each pixel is coupled to a row electrode and a column electrode,            
          control means comprising first drive means for applying a                   
          selection signal to the row electrodes and second drive means for           
          applying a data signal to the column electrodes, characterized in           
          that the control means comprises user adjustable means for                  
          adjusting different drive modes of the device to set a viewing              
          angle at which a given contrast ratio is observable, said user              
          adjustable means comprising means for adjusting different voltage           
          ranges across a pixel during said different drive modes of the              
          display device.                                                             
          The examiner relies on the following reference:                             
          Ikezaki et al. (IBM)      EP 0 514 033          Nov. 19, 1992               
          Claims 1-9 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a).  As                     
          evidence of obviousness the examiner offers IBM taken alone.                
          Rather than repeat the arguments of appellants or the                       
          examiner, we make reference to the briefs and the answer for the            
          respective details thereof.                                                 
          We have carefully considered the subject matter on appeal,                  
          the rejection advanced by the examiner and the evidence of                  
          obviousness relied upon by the examiner as support for the                  
          rejection.  We have, likewise, reviewed and taken into                      
          consideration, in reaching our decision, the appellants’                    
          arguments set forth in the briefs along with the examiner’s                 

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