Ex Parte JOHNSON et al - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2002-1042                                                        
          Application No. 09/262,102                                                  

          IBM fails to teach the claimed user-adjustable means of claim 1             
          [reply brief].                                                              
          We will not sustain the examiner’s rejection of independent                 
          claim 1 for essentially the reasons argued by appellants in the             
          briefs.  We agree with appellants that IBM fails to teach or                
          suggest a user adjustable means for adjusting different drive               
          modes of the display device to set a viewing angle at which a               
          given contrast ratio is observable.  The examiner’s assertion               
          that a user could adjust the applied voltages in the IBM display            
          to adjust the viewing angle is nothing more than the mere opinion           
          of the examiner, and is unsupported by any disclosure within the            
          reference.  The only rationale for adjusting drive modes of the             
          display device to set a user variable viewing angle comes from              
          appellants’ own disclosure.  Therefore, the record before us                
          supports nothing more than a hindsight reconstruction of the                
          Since the record before us does not support the examiner’s                  
          rejection of independent claim 1, the record also does not                  
          support the rejection of claims 2-9 which depend from claim 1.              
          Therefore, we also do not sustain the examiner’s rejection of               


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