Ex Parte EPSTEIN - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2003-1829                                                        
          Application No. 08/994,878                                                  

          5.   A method for obtaining and using a private key at user                 
          equipment via a network, said method comprising:                            
               transmitting from the user equipment an ID of a user;                  
               receiving a private key of the user encrypted with a user              
          identifying key associated with the user; and                               
               decrypting the encrypted private key using a user                      
          identifying key determined from interaction with the user at the            
          user equipment;                                                             
               using the decrypted private key; and                                   
               destroying or avoiding making any non-volatile record of the           
          private key at the location of the user.                                    
               The prior art references of record relied upon by the                  
          examiner in rejecting the appealed claims are:                              
          Asay et al. (Asay)            5,903,882           May  11, 1999             
                                                  (filed Dec. 13, 1996)               
          Trostle                       5,919,257           Jul. 06, 1999             
                                                  (filed Aug. 08, 1997)               
          Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography 174 (2d ed., John Wiley                
          & Sons, Inc. 1996)(Schneier)                                                
               Claims 5 and 7 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being           
          unpatentable over Trostle in view of Asay.                                  
               Claims 6 and 8 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being           
          unpatentable over Trostle in view of Asay and Schneier.                     
               Reference is made to the Examiner's Answer (Paper No. 28,              
          mailed April 7, 2003) for the examiner's complete reasoning in              


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