Ex Parte LIPARI et al - Page 2

                  Appeal No.  2004-0482                                                           Page 2                   
                  Application No.  09/216,247                                                                              
                  Lacy et al. (Lacy)                 5,645,856                    Jul. 8, 1997                            
                                              GROUND OF REJECTION                                                          
                         Claims 1, 3-5, 12, and 14-16 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                              
                  being unpatentable over Lacy.                                                                            
                         We reverse.                                                                                       
                         Appellants’ claims are drawn to a composition and method of using the                             
                  composition.  As set forth above, claim 1 is drawn to a composition consisting of                        
                  (1) a fibrate, which can be fenofibrate (see e.g., appellants’ claim 3 and                               
                  appellants’ specification page 3, lines 28-31), and (2) at least one medium chain                        
                  glycerol ester of a fatty acid, which can be caprylate/caprate triglyceride (see                         
                  e.g., appellants’ claim 5 and appellants’ specification, bridging paragraph, pages                       
                         According to the examiner (Answer, page 4), Lacy discloses compositions                           
                  containing fenofibrate, “a monoglyceride or a triglyceride, polyglycerol esters of                       
                  fatty acids (surfactant) and a cosolvent….”  The examiner recognizes, however,                           
                  “Lacy does not teach omission of the surfactant.”  Id.  Nevertheless, the                                
                  examiner concludes (id.), “it is deemed obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art                      
                  [at the time the invention was made] not to include a surfactant if it is deemed to                      
                  be not necessary.”  The examiner, however, offers to evidence to suggest that                            
                  the components of Lacy’s composition that are not present in appellants’ claimed                         
                  composition would be unnecessary in Lacy’s composition.  In this regard,                                 
                  appellants assert (Brief, page 6), “Lacy clearly and unambiguously teaches a                             

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