Ex Parte Boulton et al - Page 4

         Appeal No. 2004-0531                                                       
         Application 09/871/126                                                     

         the respective viewpoints of appellants and the examiner.  As a            
         consequence of our review, we make the determinations which                

              We sustain the obviousness rejection of claims 1 and 7.  It           
         follows that we also sustain the obviousness rejection of the              
         respective remaining claim(s) in each of appellants’ groupings,            
         supra, since these claims stand or fall with claims 1 and 7 as             

              Claim 1 is drawn to a work machine, comprising, inter alia,           
         at least one mounting member attached to the chassis of the work           
         machine, at least one elongate member having a first end, said             
         first end rotatably coupled to said mounting member, and a self-           
         lubricating member situated between the first end and mounting             

         only the specific teachings, but also the inferences which one             
         skilled in the art would reasonably have been expected to draw             
         from the disclosure.  See In re Preda, 401 F.2d 825, 826, 159              
         USPQ 342, 344 (CCPA 1968).                                                 


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