Ex Parte Skulnick - Page 19

              Interference No. 105,125                                                                                        
              Chaffee v. Skulnick                                                                                             
                     D. Order and Judgment                                                                                    
                     Upon consideration of the record, it is                                                                  
                     ORDERED that the showing under 37 CFR § 1.608(b) submitted byjunior party                                
              Thomas J. Chaffee fails to establish that the junior party is prima faci entitled to a judgment vis             
              a-vis senior party patentee Steve Skultrick;                                                                    
                     FURTHER ORDERED that Chaffee has shown no good cause to be given an additional                           
              opportunity to submit further evidence under 37 CFR § 1.608(b);                                                 
                     FURTHER ORDERED that judgment as to the subject matter of the count is herein                            
              entered against junior party Thomas J. Chaffee;                                                                 
                     FURTHER ORDERED that junior party Thomas J. Chaffee is not entitled to the sole                          
              claim in its involved design patent application;                                                                
                     FURTHER ORDERED that if there is a settlement agreement, the parties should note                         
              the requirements of 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and 37 CFR § 1.666; and                                                  
                     FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this judgment be filed in the respective involved                         
              application or patent of the parties.                                                                           


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