STICE et al v. CAMPBELL et al - Page 34

          Interference 104,746                                    Paper 124           
          Stice v. Campbell                                                           
                    FURTHER ORDERED that if there is a settlement, the                
          attentions of the parties are directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and            
          37 CFR § 41.205.                                                            

                         FRED E. McKELVEY                   )                         
                         Senior Administrative Patent Judge )                         
                                                            )  BOARD OF               
                         ___________________________________)PATENT APPEALS           
                         SALLY GARDNER LANE                 )    AND                  
                         Administrative Patent Judge        )INTERFERENCES            
                                                            ) TRIAL SECTION           
                         ___________________________________) MERITS PANEL            
                         MARK NAGUMO                        )                         
                         Administrative Patent Judge        )                         
          Alexandria, VA                                                              
          __ December 2004                                                            


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