Ex Parte MADOFF et al - Page 23

          Appeal No. 2004-2085                                                        
          Application 09/272,542                                                      

          bids or only better bids, Harrington fails to show a priced offer           
          (that is the purpose of the invention in Harrington to find the             
          price) and does not show a market price and therefore does not              
          teach an order specifying a condition that seeks a specific                 
          minimum relative price improvement" (Br22).                                 
               The examiner finds that Harrington teaches an "order                   
          specifying a condition that seeks a specific minimum relative               
          price improvement" because "the system provides a bidder with a             
          message informing a bidder why her/his/their bid did not meet               
          requirements such as a minimum price" (EA21).                               
               Appellants rely on the arguments in the brief (RBr9).                  
               Initially, we note that while claim 55 recites "a specific             
          minimum relative price improvement," it does not recite relative            
          to what and does not recite relative to a market price; compare             
          this to claim 71.  Nevertheless, this is a question of breadth.             
          We agree with appellants that the original issue auctions of                
          Harrington do not show a priced auction.  As discussed in                   
          connection with claim 14, the auctions in Figs. 10 and 11 specify           
          a value of the bonds to be sold, but the users bids on a coupon             
          and price, or yield, for each principal maturity it wants to                
          purchase in a maturity by maturity bid (col. 9, lines 23-39) or             
          for an aggregate purchase price in an all-or-none bid (col. 9,              
          lines 40-55).  Since the Issuer's offer does not specify a price,           
          it would not have suggested an order "that seeks a specific                 

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