Ex Parte Wallstrom - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2005-0580                                                        
          Application No. 09/732,871                                                  
          absorption materials” (specification, page 1).  Representative              
          claims 1, 2, and 9 read as follows:                                         
               1. An absorbent structure suitable for use in an absorbent             
          article, comprising:                                                        
               first, second, and third superposed strips of at least one             
          web-shaped absorption material, said first, second, and third               
          strips being dimensioned and arranged so that a perimeter of the            
          first strip lies entirely inside of a perimeter of the second               
          strip, and a perimeter of the second strip lying entirely inside            
          a perimeter of the third strip;                                             
               the absorbent structure (4) comprised of said strips having            
          been compressed to a thickness which is substantially the same              
          over the structure, so that the structure has a higher density in           
          the area thereof where the strips overlap each other and a lower            
          density in other areas.                                                     
               2. An absorbent structure suitable for use in an absorbent             
          article, comprising:                                                        
               a sheet of web-shaped absorption material (5) which has been           
          folded back and forth upon itself to produce a plurality of                 
          effective layers arranged so that a number of the effective                 
          layers in a center of the absorbent structure is greater than a             
          number of the effective layers in a peripheral area on each side            
          of the center area, and the folded sheet having been compressed             
          to a thickness which is substantially the same over the                     
          structure, so that in cross-section the structure has a higher              
          density in the center area where the effective layers overlap               
          each other and a lower density in the peripheral areas.                     
               9. A method for making an absorbent structure in an                    
          absorbent article, comprising the steps of:                                 
               placing first, second, and third strips of at least one web-           
          shaped absorption material superposed with each other, said                 
          first, second, and third strips being dimensioned and arranged so           
          that a perimeter of the first strip lies entirely inside of a               
          perimeter of the second strip, and a perimeter of the second                
          strip lying entirely inside a perimeter of the third strip; and             
               compressing said strips to form the structure having a                 
          thickness which is substantially the same over the structure, so            
          that the structure will obtain a higher density in the area                 
          thereof where the strips overlap each other and a lower density             
          in other areas.                                                             


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