Ex Parte Mathus et al - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2005-2350                                                        
          Application No. 10/056,352                                                  

          integral bottom onto which is placed the coating, which is                  
          plainly evident to the artisan as argued by the examiner in the             
          answer as well as from the following interpretations of the                 
          reference.  We also do not agree with appellants’ related                   
          argument that even assuming for the sake of argument that carrier           
          part 6 may be fairly construed as a coating, it is submitted that           
          the carrier part is not deposited onto the bottom surface of the            
          tubular container 2.                                                        
               There appears to us to be significant teachings not                    
          appreciated fully by the examiner and appellants in construing              
          Wijnschenk’s patent.  The first appears to be set forth in the              
          abstract; in column 1, line 59 thorugh column 2, line 30 as well            
          as the discussion at column 7, lines 5 through 21.  These clearly           
          indicate that there are prior art test tubes onto which is placed           
          an opaque surface with/onto which is further placed machine                 
          readable indicia causing the indicia to be placed within the                
          surface of the quoted material on the test tube by means of laser           
               The second major teaching in Wijnschenk appears to begin at            
          column 2, line 30 with respect to a separately attachable carrier           
          part 6.  In contrast to what appears an integral carrier part               
          6 shown in figures 1 and 2a, Wijnschenk appears to have a                   

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