SHUSTACK V. Szum et al. - Page 1

                                               The opinion in support of the decision being                                        
                                      entered today is binding precedent of the Trial Procedures Section.                          
                                                                                           Paper 33                               
               Filed by: Merits Panel                                                                                              
                           Mail Stop Interference                                   Filed                                          
                       P.O. Box 1450                                            14 June 2005                                       
                           Alexandria, VA   22313-1450                                                                             
                           Tel: 571-272-9797                                                                                       
                           Fax: 571-273-0042                                                                                       
                                  UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                        
                                       BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                          
                                                    AND INTERFERENCES                                                              
                                                     PAUL J. SHUSTACK                                                              
                                                          Junior Party,                                                            
                                                       (Patent 6,014,488),                                                         
                              DAVID M. SZUM, CHANDER P. CHAWLA, JAMES R. PETISCE                                                   
                                     JOHN T. VANDEBERG, GEORGE PASTERNACK,                                                         
                                       TIMOTHY E. BISHOP, PAUL E. SNOWWHITE,                                                       
                                      EDWARD P. ZAHORA, and STEPHEN C. LAPIN                                                       
                                                          Senior Party,                                                            
                                                    (Application 09/757,533).                                                      
                                                 Patent Interference No. 105,228                                                   
               Before:    FLEMING, Chief Administrative Patent Judge, and                                                          
               McKELVEY, Senior Administrative Patent Judge, and MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                              
               MEDLEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                

                       1As part of Board efforts under the Government Paperwork Elimination Act, signatures                        
               on papers originating from the Board are being phased out in favor of a completely electronic                       
               record.  Consequently, in this case papers originating at the Board will not have signatures.  The                  
               signature requirements for the parties have not changed.  See, e.g., 37 C.F.R. § 10.18.                             

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Last modified: November 3, 2007