SHUSTACK V. Szum et al. - Page 3

                       The underlined portion of Szum’s concession of priority has been accorded no weight and                     
               will be accorded no weight in future prosecution by Szum before the USPTO.  Paper 32 of the                         
               official record of the interference file has been modified, such that the limiting paragraph                        
               underlined above is stricken through.  The decision to enter judgment against Szum is based                         
               solely upon Szum’s request for a concession of priority, less the underlined portion reproduced                     
                       Should either party believe that Szum’s request for adverse judgment has been                               
               “misapprehended,” the party may file a request for rehearing under Bd. R. 127(d).                                   
                       Upon consideration of the record it is                                                                      
                              ORDERED that judgment on priority as to Count 1 (Paper 1 at 5) is awarded                            
               against senior party DAVID M. SZUM, CHANDER P. CHAWLA, JAMES R. PETISCE, JOHN                                       
               T. VANDEBERG, GEORGE PASTERNACK, TIMOTHY E. BISHOP, PAUL E.                                                         
               SNOWWHITE, EDWARD P. ZAHORA, and STEPHEN C. LAPIN.                                                                  
                              FURTHER ORDERED that senior party DAVID M. SZUM, CHANDER P.                                          
               CHAWLA, JAMES R. PETISCE, JOHN T. VANDEBERG, GEORGE PASTERNACK,                                                     
               TIMOTHY E. BISHOP, PAUL E. SNOWWHITE, EDWARD P. ZAHORA, and STEPHEN C.                                              
               LAPIN is not entitled to a patent containing claims 74–80 (corresponding to Count 1) of                             
               application 09/757,533.                                                                                             
                              FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of this paper shall be made of record in files                           
               of application 09/757,533 and U.S. Patent 6,014,488.                                                                
                              FURTHER ORDERED that if there is a settlement agreement, attention is                                
               directed to 35 U.S.C. § 135(c) and Bd.R. 205.                                                                       

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Last modified: November 3, 2007