PRESSNER et al. V. Beaujean et al. V. SPEED et al. - Page 1

                                                                                                Paper No. 116                            
                Filed by:                                                                                                                
                Merits Panel                                                                    Filed                                    
                Mail Stop Interference                                                     3 May 2006                                    
                P.O. Box 1450                                                                                                            
                Alexandria Va 22313-1450                                                                                                 
                Tel: 571-272-9797                                                                                                        
                Fax: 571-273-0042                                                                                                        
                                   UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE                                                             
                                         BEFORE THE BOARD OF PATENT APPEALS                                                              
                                                      AND INTERFERENCES                                                                  
                                                     HENKEL CORPORATION                                                                  
                                                             Junior Party,                                                               
                                        (U.S. Application Nos. 09/446,434 and 09/446,578),                                               
                                             THE PROCTER & GAMBLE COMPANY                                                                
                                                             Senior Party,                                                               
                                                     (U.S. Patent No. 6,399,564).                                                        
                                               Patent Interference No. 105,174 (SCM)                                                     
                Before: PATE, MEDLEY and TIERNEY, Administrative Patent Judges.                                                          
                TIERNEY, Administrative Patent Judge.                                                                                    
        1                                            JUDGMENT - BD.R. 127                                                                
        2               Pursuant to the panel decision on priority (Paper No. 115), it is:                                               
        3               ORDERED that judgment as to the subject matter of Count 2 (Paper No. 87, p. 10), is                              
        4       awarded against junior party Henkel Corporation (“Henkel”).                                                              
        5               FURTHER ORDERED that junior party Henkel is not entitled to a patent containing                                  
        6       claims 31, 34, 35, 37 and 41 of U.S. Application No. 09/446,434 and claims 25, 27, 31-36, 41                             
        7       and 44 of U.S. Application No. 09/446,578.                                                                               

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Last modified: November 3, 2007