Ex Parte Harding et al - Page 2

                 Appeal No.   2005-1109                                                                                
                 Application No.   09/781,733                                                                          

                        The references of record relied upon as evidence of obviousness are:                           
                 McLean   5322586          June 21, 1994                                                               
                 Ratzel    5571067   Nov.    5, 1996                                                                   

                                                   The Rejections                                                      
                        Claims 6-11, 13, 15-24 and 27-32 stand rejected under 35 USC § 102 as                          
                 anticipated by Ratzel.                                                                                
                        Claims 12, 14, 25-26 stand rejected under 35 USC § 103 as unpatentable                         
                 over Ratzel in view of McLean.                                                                        
                        For a full explanation of the examiner’s rejection, reference is made to the                   
                 examiner’s answer.  For a further understanding of appellant’s response thereto,                      
                 reference is made to the brief and the reply brief.                                                   

                        We have carefully reviewed the claimed subject matter in light of the prior                    
                 art and the arguments of the appellant and the examiner.  As a result of this                         
                 review, we have reached the conclusion that the applied prior art does not                            
                 establish that the claims of appellant lack novelty under section 102 or are prima                    
                 facie obvious under section 103.  Our reasons follow.                                                 
                        The disclosure of Ratzel is directed to a method for making cushioning                         
                 material out of linear stock.  In order to make the stock of the correct length                       
                 several methods are disclosed including a manual method, a time repeat                                
                 method, a removal trigger method, and a length selection method.  An automatic                        


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