Ex Parte Jegla - Page 2

               Appeal No. 2005-2207                                                              Page 2                         
               Application No. 09/548,933                                                                                       

               of insulin, excitability of nerve cells, transduction of sensory stimuli, and regulation of                      
               renal electrolyte transport.”  Specification, pages 1-2.  Typically composed of four                             
               heteromeric or homomeric subunits, “[t]hese channels allow the flow of various cations                           
               in and/or out of the cell under certain conditions” and “are regulated, e.g., by calcium                         
               sensitivity, voltage-gating, cyclic nucleotides or other secondary messengers,                                   
               extracellular ligands, and ATP-sensitivity.”  Id., page 2.                                                       
                      Specialized cells in the heart and brain create rhythmic activity due in large part                       
               to a particular subset of cation channels: hyperpolarization-activated channels that                             
               generate a mixed sodium/potassium pacemaker current known as Ih.  Id.  The                                       
               specification cites a number of references that reflect the level of understanding of the                        
               nature and identity of pacemaker channels at the time of the invention.  Id., pages 2 and                        
               3.  For example, Ludwig2 reports the molecular cloning and functional expression of                              
               HAC1, a murine cation channel “dually gated by hyperpolarization of the membrane and                             
               by direct binding of cyclic nucleotides” (Ludwig, pages 587 and 590).  According to                              
               Ludwig, “[t]he functional properties of the HAC1 current, that is, the voltage-dependence                        
               of activation, ion selectivity, pharmacological profile and modulation by cyclic                                 
               nucleotides, concur with the general criteria that characterize Ih in several neuronal and                       
               non-neuronal cells” (id., page 590).  Further, “[t]he expression pattern of HAC1 indicates                       
               that it may mediate the current that is involved in control of pacemaker activity in both                        
               central nervous system and cardiac cells” (id.).  In addition, Ludwig identified full-length                     
               sequences of two related brain-specific channels, HAC2 and HAC3, “indicating the                                 

               2  Ludwig et al., “A Family of Hyperpolarization-Activated Mammalian Cation Channels,” Nature, Vol. 393,         
               pp. 587-591 (June 1998).                                                                                         

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