Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 24

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              also clearly established the fact that he invented the relevant subject matter disclosed in                  
              the patent.”).  Furthermore, an uncontradicted “unequivocal statement” from the                              
              applicant regarding the subject matter disclosed in an article, patent, or published                         
              application will be accepted as establishing inventorship.  In re DeBaun, 687 F.2d 459,                      
              463, 214 USPQ 933, 936_(CCPA 1982).                                                                          
                     The First Ho Declaration was filed with the “Response to First Official Action.”18                    
              That declaration credits Ho and Tuan with “develop[ing] products known as RailMill, and                      
              integrat[ing] the RailMill product with an interactive graphical user interface known as                     
              ChipViewer.”  First Ho. Decl. para. 2.  Insofar as ChipViewer is concerned, the examiner                     
              understood this testimony to mean that Ho and Tuan used ChipViewer to view the                               
              RailMill outputs rather than that they invented ChipViewer per se.  Second Office Action                     
              Paragraphs 4 and 5 of the declaration assert that the to the extent the RailMill document                    
              and the Arcadia Manual refer to “RailMill and the use of ChipViewer to display the                           
              output from RailMill,” they describe “our invention, and the work of our team at Epic                        
              Design Technology, Inc.”  First Ho Declaration paras. 4-5.  The examiner criticized the                      
              “our team” language as creating an ambiguity regarding who invented the subject                              
              matter relied on in the references. Second Office Action 65.  The examiner also                              

                     18  Paper No. 17, received October 24, 2003.                                                          


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