Ex Parte 5872952 et al - Page 25

              Appeal No. 2005-2512                                                                                         
              Reexamination Control No. 90/006,431                                                                         

              criticized the First Ho Declaration because it is not signed by both inventors.  Second                      
              Office Action 65.                                                                                            
                     Appellant’s “Response to Second Official Action”19 was accompanied by a                               
              “Second Declaration by Inventor” (hereinafter “Second Ho Declaration”).  As correctly                        
              noted by appellant at page 23 of that response, MPEP § 716.10 does not require that all                      
              inventors sign an attribution declaration.  In any event, the absence of a signature or                      
              supporting declaration by Tuan is adequately addressed at pages 13-14 of the brief,                          
              which explain that Tuan is one of the founders of and is employed by Nassda, the third-                      
              party requestor, which party as noted above is also a litigation opponent.  As will                          
              appear, the “our team” language which the examiner found objectionable in the First Ho                       
              Declaration does not appear in the Second Ho Declaration.                                                    
                     We will begin by determining the meaning of the term “RailMill” as used in the                        
              Ho Declaration.  As already noted, the block labeled “Rail Mill” in Figure 1 of the ‘952                     
              patent includes transistor network simulation engine 116, power net simulation engine                        
              118, and also ChipViewer 120.  That designation is consistent with the RailMill                              
              documents, issued by Epic, which describe the RailMill product as including all three of                     

                     19  Papert No. 29, received July 7, 2004.                                                             


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