Ex Parte Wagner - Page 3

              Appeal No. 2005-2663                                                               Page 3                
              Application No. 10/140,323                                                                               

                     Figures 1B and 1C are, respectively, the “adjacency list” and “accessibility list” of             
              the genetic network of Figure 1A.  An adjacency list (abbreviated Adj) is a list of genes                
              whose activities directly influence each other; “[o]ne might also call it the list of direct             
              regulatory interactions.  It completely defines the structure of the network.”                           
              Specification, page 11.  An accessibility list (abbreviated Acc) “shows all nodes (genes)                
              that can be accessed (influenced in their activity state) from a given node by following                 
              paths of direct interactions.  In the context of a genetic network, one might also call it               
              the list of perturbation effects or the list of regulatory effects.”  Id.                                
                     Figures 1B and 1C are reproduced below:                                                           

                     Figure 1B is a list of the genes in the network and the genes that each of them                   
              directly affects.  Figure 1C is a list of the genes in the network and the genes that each               
              of them directly or indirectly affects.  Thus, for example, Figure 1A shows that gene 14                 

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