Ex Parte Bergquist et al - Page 3

               Appeal No. 2006-0269                                                                                                  
               Application No. 10/166,154                                                                                            
               Claim Grouping                                                                                                        
                       According to appellants, “All claims stand or fall together.”   Appeal Brief, page 6.                         
               Therefore, we select claim 1 as representative of the claims with respect to rejections 1                             
               and 3.   Claim 3 is the only claim subject to rejection 2 and will be addressed separately                            
               herein.  37 CFR ' 1.192(c)(7)(2004), superseded by 37 CFR ' 41.37(c)(1)(vii)                                          
               (September 13, 2004).                                                                                                 
                       According to appellants’ summary of the invention (Brief, page 4)                                             
                       Independent claim 1 recites an article for cleansing body surfaces. The                                       
                       article comprises an effervescent cleansing composition capable of                                            
                       generating a foam upon contact with water.  See page 4, lines 4-5. The                                        
                       article further comprises a pouch comprising first and second water-                                          
                       insoluble substrates, at least one being water permeable, the first and                                       
                       second substrates forming therebetween an area housing the cleansing                                          
                       composition.  See page 4, lines 6-10.  The second substrate comprises a                                       
                       high loft sheet bonded to a non-woven sheet.  See original claim 4. The                                       
                       first substrate comprises a spun lace or a carded/chemically bonded non-                                      
                       woven material.  See page 4, lines 18-20.                                                                     
               Brief, page 4.                                                                                                        

               1.   35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                                                                                               
                       Claims 1, 2, and 6-11 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a), as obvious over                                
               Farrell in view of Brennan and Thaman.                                                                                
                       Due to its conciseness the relevant portions of the examiner’s statement of the                               
               rejection is reproduced below.  Answer, pages 3-4.                                                                    


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