Ex Parte Bergquist et al - Page 11

               Appeal No. 2006-0269                                                                                                  
               Application No. 10/166,154                                                                                            
                       The examiner acknowledges that Charambura does not disclose the specific type                                 
               of first and second substrates as claimed but argues that Brennan and Thaman teach                                    
               that spunlaced sheets and high loft sheets are used in the personal care cleansing.                                   
               Answer, page 7.                                                                                                       
                       In rebuttal, the appellants argue                                                                             
                       “The focus of the presently claimed invention is the construction materials and                               
               arrangement of those materials in forming a pouch.  Charambura et al. is silent with                                  
               respect to any of these construction materials or their respective arrangement in forming                             
               walls of the pouch.  This reference teaches nothing more than Farrell regarding walls of                              
               the pouch.   Therefore, Charambura and Farrell separately or in combination with the                                  
               other cited references do not render the instant invention obvious.”   Brief, page 11.                                
               Appellants also argue that Charambura and Farrell fail to teach the claimed subject                                   
               matter, but in doing so, they fail to address and rebut the examiner’s arguments which                                
               include reference to Brennan and Thaman, and the indicated motivation to combine the                                  
               cited references.                                                                                                     
                       In view of the above, appellants have failed to convincingly rebut the                                        
               examiner’s prima facie case of obviousness and the rejection of claim 3 for                                           
               obviousness is affirmed.                                                                                              


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