Ex Parte Lincecum - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2006-0408                                                        
          Application No. 09/775,451                                                  

          outside surface.  This lower coefficient of friction for the                
          inside surface facilitates the placement of articles such as                
          furniture inside the bag.  Further details concerning this                  
          appealed subject matter are set forth in representative                     
          independent claims 1 and 18 which read as follows:                          
          1.   A bag formed of a dual surface material wherein said dual              
          surface material comprises:                                                 
               a.  an inside surface having a coefficient of friction range           
               of approximately 0.125 to 0.275; and                                   
               b.  an outside surface having a coefficient of friction                
               range of approximately 0.300 to 0.600.                                 
          18. A bag formed of a dual surface material wherein said dual               
          surface material comprises:                                                 
               a.  an outer polymer film layer having a coefficient of                
               friction range of approximately 0.300 to 0.600; and                    
               b.  an inner polymer film layer having a coefficient of                
               friction less than said outer layer.                                   
               The reference set forth below is relied upon by the examiner           
          as evidence of obviousness:                                                 
          Sugimoto et al.               4,856,656             Aug. 15, 1989           
               All of the appealed claims are rejected under 35 U.S.C.                
          § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Sugimoto.                               


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