Ex Parte Lincecum - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2006-0408                                                        
          Application No. 09/775,451                                                  

               and a lower density than the inner layer so that an                    
               article can easily be removed from or placed in the                    
               bag, since it has been held that rearranging parts of                  
               an invention involves only routine skill in the art.                   
               In re Japikse, [181 F.2d 1019] 86 USPQ 70 [CCPA 1950].                 
               This obviousness conclusion is without merit in multiple               
               First of all, the modification proposed by the examiner                
          would render the prior art bag unsatisfactory for the intended              
          purpose disclosed by Sugimoto.  That is, the lower coefficient of           
          friction surface of patentee's bag faces outwardly so as to allow           
          sliding between the outer surface and buffering material (e.g.,             
          see element 4 in Figure 1) thereby preventing the packaged                  
          article inside the bag from being directly rubbed by the                    
          buffering material (see lines 51-64 in column 4).  This                     
          desideratum would not be achieved if patentee's bag were modified           
          in the manner proposed by the examiner.  This infirmity of the              
          examiner's rejection is discussed in more detail by the appellant           
          on pages 9-10 of the Brief and pages 2-3 of the Reply Brief.                
               In addition, the examiner has completely misinterpreted the            
          decisions of In re Japikse, 181 F.2d 1019, 86 USPQ 70 and                   


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