Ex Parte Winget et al - Page 4

          Appeal No. 2006-0501                                                         
          Application No. 10/131,019                                                   

               The appealed claims stand rejected as follows:                          
          1.   Claims 11, 12, 14 and 18 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a) as                    
               anticipated by the disclosure of Spain;                                 
          2.   Claims 13 and 15 through 17 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                 
               unpatentable over the disclosure of Spain.                              

               We have carefully reviewed the claims, specification and                
          prior art, including all of the arguments advanced by both the               
          examiner and the appellants in support of their respective                   
          positions.  This review has led us to conclude that the                      
          examiner’s Sections 102(a) and 103(a) rejections are well                    
          founded.  Accordingly, we affirm the examiner’s Sections 102(a)              
          and 103(a) rejections for essentially the factual findings and               
          conclusions set forth in the Answer.  We add the following                   
          primarily for emphasis and completeness.                                     
               We find that Spain, like the claimed invention, is directed             
          to “a process of manufacturing a molded plastic article...with               
          surface properties meeting criteria for exterior automotive use.”            
          See column 4, lines 46-50.  As pointed out by the examiner (the              
          Answer, pages 3-6), this process involves providing a carrier                

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