Ex Parte Winget et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2006-0501                                                         
          Application No. 10/131,019                                                   

          argument in view of the factual findings set forth at pages 4-6              
          of the Answer and above.  Accordingly, we affirm the examiner’s              
          Section 102 rejection.                                                       
               With respect to the examiner’s Section 103 rejection of                 
          claim 17, the appellants do not dispute the examiner’s                       
          determination at page 4 of the Answer that:                                  
               The claimed thickness is well known in the molding art.                 
               Thus, it would have been obvious to one of ordinary                     
               skill in the art at the time the invention was made to                  
               use a carrier having the claimed thickness in Spain et                  
               al in order to produce a durable molded laminate.                       
          We also note that Spain teaches that “[t]he preferred film                   
          thickness of the carrier sheet is about two mils.”  See column 8,            
          lines 55-59.  Accordingly, we affirm the examiner’s Section 103              
          rejection as well.                                                           

                                  ADDITIONAL ISSUE                                     
               As a final point, we note that the appellants have submitted            
          our prior decision entered July 22, 2005 on Appeal NO. 2005-1549,            
          Application NO. 10/193,407, as a supplement to the Appeal Brief              
          filed February 28, 2005.  The subject matter considered in our               
          prior decision is identical to or substantially identical to the             
          one before us in this appeal.  However, in the prior decision,               


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Last modified: November 3, 2007