Ex Parte H. Shih - Page 11

               Appeal No. 2006-0650                                                                      Page 11                  
               Application No. 10/007,613                                                                                         

                      temperature in a range of from about 50°C to about 65°C and exposure to                                     
                      said proteolytic enzyme during a second, subsequent duration.                                               
                      71. A system comprising (a) a surgical instrument contaminated with infective                               
                      prior protein; (b) means for heating the surgical instrument; (c) a proteolytic                             
                      enzyme that is thermally stable at a temperature in a range of from about 35°C to                           
                      about 100°C and proteolytically effective to at least partially destroy the infective                       
                      prion protein contaminating said surgical instrument, and (d) means for exposing                            
                      the surgical instrument to the proteolytic enzyme,                                                          
                      wherein said surgical instrument is characterized by a first elevated temperature                           
                      in a range of from about 100°C to about 150°C during a first duration, and                                  
                      wherein said surgical instrument is characterized by a second elevated                                      
                      temperature in a range of from about 35°C to about 100°C and exposure to said                               
                      proteolytic enzyme during a second, subsequent duration.                                                    
                      80. A system comprising:                                                                                    
                      (a) one or more articles susceptible to contamination by infectious prion protein;                          
                      (b) means for heating said articles;                                                                        
                      (c) Bacillus lichenformis PWD-I keratinase; and                                                             
                      (d) means for exposing the heated articles to the Bacillus lichenformis PWD-1                               
                      wherein said articles are characterized by a first elevated temperature of at least                         
                      40°C and not more than about 150°C during a first duration, and wherein said                                
                      articles are characterized by second elevated temperature in a range of from                                
                      about 50°C to about 65°C and exposure to Bacillus lichenformis PWD-1                                        
                      keratinase during a second, subsequent duration.                                                            
                      The meaning of the “wherein clause” in independent claims 39, 71, and 80 was a                              
               significant source of contention between the examiner and Appellant in this appeal.  The                           
               examiner’s position was that the recited clause is a functional limitation that describes                          
               an “intended use” of the claimed system.  Answer, pages 8-9.  Appellant disagreed,                                 
               arguing that the clause characterizes the “physical state” of the articles in the system,                          
               and imposed “implicit structural limitations” on it. Brief, page 9; Reply Brief, paragraph                         
               spanning pages 5-6.                                                                                                
                      The “wherein clause” reciting the two-temperature requirement was not present                               
               in the application as originally filed.  After a restriction that divided the claims into (1)                      

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