Ex Parte Petersen - Page 38

             Appeal No. 2006-0704                                                            Page 38                
             Application No. 10/060,697                                                                             

             argument with regard to the teachings of the combination of O’Leary, Yim and Wironen                   
             as it relates to the concentrations of calcium sulfate, demineralized bone matrix,                     
             plasticizing substance or mixing solution as set forth in claim 23.  Accordingly, I find that          
             appellants concede that the combination of O’Leary, Yim and Wironen teach                              
             concentrations that fall within the scope of appellants’ claimed invention for these                   
                    Appellants’ only argument with regard to claim 23 is that Wironen “is completely                
             silent as to any particular weight percent or parts by weight of cancellous bone.”  Brief,             
             page 10.   In response, the examiner finds (Answer, page 23), Wironen teaches that                     
             cancellous bone is included in the composition to fill larger bone voids.  As I understand             
             the examiner’s argument (id.), depending on the particular void that requires filled, the              
             optimization of the particular amount of cancellous bone to fill a particular void is well             
             within the skill of the practitioner.  In the examiner’s opinion (id.), “[i]t remains unclear as       
             to how the practitioner would not be able to determine the size of the void to be filled               
             and add as much cancellous bone as deemed necessary to fill the void.”  I agree.  In the               
             absence of evidence to the contrary, of which there is none, “it is not inventive to                   
             discover the optimum or workable ranges by routine experimentation.”  In re Aller,                     
             220 F.2d 454, 456, 105 USPQ 233, 235 (CCPA 1955).                                                      
                    Therefore, I disagree with appellants’ intimation that “[t]his is not a question of             
             optimization within a range taught in the prior art reference because there is no range                
             whatsoever in the prior art reference relied upon by the [e]xaminer.”  Reply Brief, page               
             4.  To the contrary, in my opinion this is a question of optimizing a results effective                
             variable.  The prior art relied upon expressly states that the purpose of the cancellous               

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