Ex Parte Petersen - Page 39

             Appeal No. 2006-0704                                                            Page 39                
             Application No. 10/060,697                                                                             

             bone chips in the composition is to fill large voids in bone.  See, e.g., Wironen, page 13,            
             lines 11-14.  It would appear to be quite rational that one looking at a large void in a               
             bone, would select the appropriate size and quantity of bone chips to fill the void.  In my            
             opinion, the prior art did not recite a particular concentration of bone chips because it              
             would appear that a person of ordinary skill in the art would understand that it would                 
             depend on the size of the void to be filled.  “[T]he test of obviousness is not express                
             suggestion of the claimed invention in any or all of the references but rather what the                
             references taken collectively would suggest to those of ordinary skill in the art presumed             
             to be familiar with them.”  In re Rosselet, 347 F.2d 847, 851, 146 USPQ 183, 186                       
             (CCPA 1965).  Accordingly, I do not find appellants’ argument persuasive.                              
                    For the foregoing reasons, I would affirm the rejection of claim 23 under                       
             35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over the combination of O’Leary, Yim and                      
             Wironen.  As discussed supra claims 24-30 fall together with claim 23.                                 

             Majority opinion:                                                                                      
                    Rigidly applying the suggestion test and failing to consider all the evidence of                
             record, the majority concludes (Supra, page 9), “[t]he examiner has not adequately                     
             explained how the prior art would have suggested modifying O’Leary’s composition by                    
             adding calcium sulfate to it.[ ]42   Nor has the examiner provided a rationale based on the                
             knowledge of those of skill in the art or the nature of the problem to be solved.”                     
             42 While the majority recognizes (supra, bridging sentence, pages 7), “Yim’s compositions have two     
             required components:  calcium sulfate hemihydrate-containing substance (CSHS) and an osteogenic        
             protein [(BMP)]”, the majority ignores Yim’s disclosure that in this embodiment “CSHS provides a       
             structural matrix function, an osteoconductive matrix, and a protein sequestering function.”  Yim,     
             column 8, lines 25-28.  As the subject matter before this panel is directed to a bone graft composition it

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