Ex Parte No Data - Page 34

         Appeal No. 2006-0790                                                       
         Reexamination Control No. 90/005,117                                       

                               Time for Taking Action                               
              No time period for taking any subsequent action in                    
         connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR                   
         § 1.136(a)(1)(iv).                                                         
      5                           AFFIRMED IN PART                                  

     10                 Richard E. Schafer   )                                      
                        Administrative Patent Judge )                               
     15                                               ) BOARD OF PATENT             
                        Romulo H. Delmendo   )                                      
                        Administrative Patent Judge ) APPEALS AND                   
                                                      ) INTERFERENCES               
     20                                               )                             
                        Linda M. Gaudette   )                                       
                        Administrative Patent Judge )                               
     25 Rhd/lp                                                                      




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