Ex Parte Underhill et al - Page 3

          Appeal No. 2006-1115                                                        
          Application No. 10/397,748                                                  
               As correctly explained by the examiner, the tissue sheet of            
          Roussel and Burt respectively has two or more texture patterns              
          and an optical interference pattern of the type required by                 
          appealed independent claim 13.  The appellants’ contrary view is            
          clearly erroneous.  Moreover, this erroneous viewpoint is in no             
          way supported by the two transparencies submitted in the evidence           
          appendix of the appellants’ brief.  In particular, these                    
          transparencies display the same figures of Burt’s drawing and               
          thus overlaying one on the other cannot evince lack of an                   
          interference pattern as urged by appellants.  This is because               
          overlaying the sheets merely results in a comparison of the same            
          texture patterns rather than a comparison of two different                  
          patterns within a given figure which interact to form an optical            
          interference pattern in the manner detailed by the examiner.                
               Since the one and only argument advanced by the appellants             
          for each of the rejections before us concerns the erroneous                 
          distinction discussed above, it would be appropriate, for this              
          reason alone, to sustain each of these rejections.  However,                
          these rejections are additionally sustainable because the                   
          appellants’ argument, aside from being erroneous, is simply                 
          irrelevant to the patentability issue before us.                            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007