Ex Parte Birrenkott et al - Page 5

                Appeal 2006-1127                                                                              
                Application 10/712,970                                                                        
                channel 112 via conduit 80 (Figure 3; col. 3, ll. 16-19, 40-43) and an inlet                  
                port 116 to allow passage of the fluid in cartridge 10 (Figure 3; col. 3, l. 66               
                to col. 4, ll. 1-4).  Valve 82 is manually rotated “by turning selector valve                 
                switch knob 120 which is attached to valve neck 122.” (col. 3, ll. 56-57).                    
                Norman’s selector valve 82 is disclosed to be rotatable between a cleaning                    
                mode (Figure 3A) and a rinsing mode (Figure 3B).  The cleaning mode                           
                allows for passage of the cartridge 10 fluid and of water to form a mix that                  
                will be dispensed through the fluid nozzle conduit 94 (col. 4, ll. 7-9).  The                 
                rinsing mode allows for the passage of just the water (col. 4, ll. 43-52).                    
                      We refer to the Examiner’s exposition of the rejection in pages 3                       
                through 14 of the Answer and proceed to address the issues before us.                         
                      We first address independent claim 1.  Appellants argue that Norman                     
                does not disclose the claim limitation  “cartridge containing a first liquid    . .           
                . [being] oriented such that gravity exerts a downward force on the first                     
                liquid" (Br. 8).  According to Appellants:                                                    
                             The claimed cartridge 12 is oriented to enable                                   
                             gravity assisted flow of the first liquid from the                               
                             cartridge which in combination with the low                                      
                             pressure created by the water flow at the Venturi                                
                             location . . . facilitates flow of the first liquid out of                       
                             the cartridge. The orientation of the cartridge                                  
                             eliminates the need for any internal tube such as                                
                             the tube 34 disclosed in Norman [id.].                                           
                      The Examiner responds that “[a]ny object subjected to gravity by                        
                definition experiences a downward force . . . . The recitation [in the claim]                 
                does not in any way define the orientation of the cartridge or that gravity                   
                assists the flow of the first liquid” (Answer 16).                                            


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