Ex Parte Kramer - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2006-1343                                            2                           
          Application No. 10/121,530                                                                  

          Appellant’s invention relates to a device for handling printed                              
          products supplied to a stacking device, which products are picked                           
          up at a delivery end of a printing machine or printed product                               
          processing machine by a transport device (3) for further transport                          
          in a suspended position and are supplied via a conveying path to a                          
          transfer device (5) arranged upstream of the stacking device.                               
          Independent claim 1 is representative of the subject matter on                              
          appeal and a copy of that claim can be found in the Appendix                                
          attached to appellant’s corrected brief (filed September 21, 2005).                         

          The prior art references relied upon by the examiner in                                     
          rejecting the appealed claims are:                                                          
          Müller     5,110,108  May   5, 1992                                                         
          Sjogren et al. (Sjogren)  5,226,780  Jul. 13, 1993                                          
          Landgren     5,931,459  Aug.  3, 1999                                                       
          Mack et al. (Mack)   6,000,695  Dec. 14, 1999                                               
          Claims 1, 6 and 7 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                                
          being unpatentable over Mack in view of Landgren and Müller.                                

          Claim 8 stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being                                   
          unpatentable over Mack in view of Landgren and Müller as applied to                         
          claims 1 and 6 above, and further in view of Sjogren.                                       

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Last modified: November 3, 2007