Ex Parte Kramer - Page 7

         Appeal No. 2006-1343                                             7                           
         Application No. 10/121,530                                                                   

         After considering the teachings to be fairly derived from                                    
         Mack, Landgren and Müller by one of ordinary skill in the art, we                            
         find that we are in agreement with appellant’s assessment that                               
         neither Landgren nor Müller provide any teaching, suggestion or                              
         incentive for modifying the particular sheet transport and stacking                          
         system found in Mack to use a conveyor device like that in Landgren                          
         or a transfer device like that in Müller.  Mack utilizes a chain-                            
         conveyor and continuous floatation-guiding arrangement (6) along                             
         with a diverter and specialized air conveying/braking arrangement                            
         to move a printed product from the delivery end of a printing                                
         machine or printed product processing machine (at 45) to selective                           
         stacking levels (10, 11) of a stacking apparatus (40) “while                                 
         avoiding moving parts, such as gripper bars” (col. 2, lines 26-28)                           
         and also ensuring that the printed products arrive via smear- and                            
         scratch-free delivery on the particular selected stack level (col.                           
         3, lines 19-23).  Those aspects of Mack and the significance placed                          
         thereon in the disclosure of that patent belie the examiner’s                                
         rationale for the proposed combinations as set forth in the final                            
         rejection and answer, and lead us to conclude that the examiner is                           
         utilizing impermissible hindsight to selectively pick and choose                             
         among the prior art references and appellant’s own specification as                          

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Last modified: November 3, 2007