Ex Parte Stefan et al - Page 4

                  Appeal No. 2006-1589                                                                                                                     
                  Application No. 10/082,912                                                                                                               

                                                           GROUP I, claims 1, 5, and 9                                                                     
                           We consider first the examiner’s rejection of claims 1, 5, and 9 that stand rejected under                                      
                  35 U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by Kiel.  Group I includes independent claims 1, 5, and                                          
                  9.  Because independent claim 1 is the broadest claim, we will select independent claim 1 as the                                         
                  representative claim for this rejection. See 37 C.F.R. §41.37(c)(1)(vii)(2004).                                                          

                  I.       Appellants argue that Kiel does not disclose ‘“transmitting the data encoding the                                               
                  purchased calling time from the portable networking device to an onboard system,”’ as claimed                                            
                  [brief, page 12, reply brief, page 5].                                                                                                   
                           In response, the examiner argues that Kiel discloses purchasing and replenishing wireless                                       
                  network calling time (¶0001), comprising: purchasing wireless network calling time through a                                             
                  Web site (¶0037), saving data encoding the purchased calling time from the Web site to a                                                 
                  portable networking device (i.e., activity monitoring unit,  ¶¶0009, 0025, and 0034), and                                                
                  transmitting the data encoding the purchased calling time from the portable networking device to                                         
                  an onboard system (i.e., client communication device, ¶¶0013 and 0036) [answer, page 4].                                                 
                           We note that Kiel discloses the bidirectional transmission of credit data between an                                            
                  activity-monitoring server utility and an activity monitoring unit [¶0027].  Kiel discloses that                                         
                  activity monitoring unit 116 monitors incoming and outgoing [user] communications [¶0034].                                               
                  Kiel further discloses that the user’s credit data is updated continuously when communication                                            


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