Ex Parte Luo - Page 23

                   Appeal No. 2006-1618                                                                                             
                   Application No. 10/046,797                                                                                       

                   practically identical intensities [Makram-Ebeid, col. 1, lines 43-45].  The                                      
                   examiner's rejection of claim 20 is proper and is therefore sustained.                                           
                           Likewise, we will sustain the examiner's rejection of dependent claims 21-                               
                   23, 31, and 32 under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as being unpatentable over the                                           
                   teachings of Catros and Makram-Ebeid.  We find that (1) the examiner has                                         
                   established at least a prima facie case of obviousness for these claims on pages                                 
                   17-20 of the non-final rejection, and (2) appellant has not persuasively rebutted                                
                   the examiner's prima facie case.  The rejection is therefore sustained.                                          
                           We next consider the examiner's rejection of claim 24 under 35 U.S.C.                                    
                   § 103(a) as being unpatentable over Catros in view of Makram-Ebeid and further                                   
                   in view of Luo.  The examiner's rejection finds that Catros and Makram-Ebeid                                     
                   disclose essentially all of the claimed subject matter except a user interface for                               
                   selecting a width parameter and the two vertices [non-final rejection, pages 20                                  
                   and 21].  The examiner cites Luo as teaching enabling the user to determine the                                  
                   width and height of a search stripe for video object segmentation.  The examiner                                 
                   further notes that Luo teaches that the user can define a video object by                                        
                   specifying its contour [non-final rejection, page 21].  The examiner concludes that                              
                   it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time of the                                
                   invention to modify Catros and Makram-Ebeid to include a user interface to                                       
                   simplify video object segmentation [id.].                                                                        
                           Appellant argues that no motivation exists to combine the references                                     
                   [brief, page 19].  Specifically, appellant emphasizes that Catros uses a square                                  


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