Ex Parte Heide et al - Page 4

               Appeal No. 2006-1629                                                                                               
               Application No. 10/104,569                                                                                         

               chamber are completely surrounded by the gas chamber (which includes an outer bore), the                           
               structural requirements of the present invention are met by the cited reference.                                   
                      Appellants' arguments regarding the outer bore always being located above the liquid                        
               level have been noted.  These arguments are not persuasive because the claimed invention is                        
               directed to the insert.  The structural components of the insert of the present invention and that of              
               Reichinger are similar.  Appellants have not explained how this utility distinguishes the insert of                
               Reichinger (that contains a bore) from the claimed invention.  Reichinger discloses that the                       
               bottom of the two-component chamber can be in the shape of an outward extending dome.  (See                        
               page 6).  When the component chamber of Reichinger has this arrangement the bore would be at                       
               the opposite end of the above-recognized dome.  According to the examiner, Dunn establishes                        
               that a spherical shaped bottom allows an insert to upright itself in a liquid container.  (Note                    
               Answer, pages 5 and 6).  Thus, Appellants have not established a structural difference between                     
               the cited references and the claimed invention.                                                                    
                      Appellants' arguments regarding the characteristics of the axial direction and radial                       
               direction have been considered, but are not persuasive of patentability.  The appellants have not                  
               identified the specific orientation of the egg-shaped or drop-shaped insert that distinguishes the                 
               orientation from the cited reference.  That is, the insert disclosed by Reichinger when comprising                 
               the dome-shaped bottom section can be oriented to meet Appellants' described bore location and                     
               radial and axial properties.                                                                                       
                      Appellants present similar arguments regarding the shape of the claimed insert member.                      
               Appellants particularly reiterate their position that the cited references disclose cylindrical                    


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