Ex Parte Bussey et al - Page 7

          Appeal No. 2006-1666                                                            
          Application No. 10/211,683                                                      

          facing lighter, which is a desire of Porter” (page 7 of answer,                 
          second paragraph).  As for appellants’ argument that the scrim                  
          material of Porter must have sufficient strength for wind                       
          resistance, we are satisfied that one of ordinary skill in the                  
          art would have found it obvious to select the material for the                  
          scrim, be it foamed or otherwise, to fit the particular use of                  
          the insulation material, while balancing the properties of                      
          strength, thermal insulation, and weight.  Also, we note that                   
          appellants base no argument upon objective evidence of                          
          nonobviousness, such as unexpected results.                                     
               One final point remains.  Upon return of this application                  
          to the examiner, the examiner should consider the obviousness of                
          the subject matter defined by claims 1, 7, 8 and 39 over the                    
          combined teachings of Porter and Li, bearing in mind that the                   
          diameter of a foamed filament may be a matter of optimization                   
          for one of ordinary skill in the art.                                           
               In conclusion, based on the foregoing, the examiner’s                      
          rejection of claims 1, 7, 8 and 39 under § 103 is reversed, and                 
          the examiner’s § 103 rejecting of claims 17 and 18 is affirmed.                 
          Accordingly, the examiner’s decision rejecting the appealed                     
          claims is affirmed-in-part.                                                     


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