Ex Parte Klauck et al - Page 8

              Appeal No. 2006-1931                                                                                            
              Application No. 10/305,201                                                                                      
              EP '467 and GB '738.  Thus, for the reasons set forth above and stated in Appellants' Briefs, the               
              rejection of claims 16 to 34 and 43 over GB '782, Russell, and/or Martino are reversed.                         
                      The Examiner's rejections of claims 16 to 18 and 21 to 32 as unpatentable under                         
              35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as obvious over EP '467, and the combined teachings of GB '738 and EP '467                   
              are affirmed.  The Examiner's 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) rejection of claims 19, 20, 33, 34, and 43 over                
              EP '467 and/or GB '738 are reversed.  The Examiner's rejection of claims 16 to 34 and 43 under                  
              35 U.S.C. § 103(a) over GB '782, Russell, and Martino, individually or in combinations with                     
              themselves, and EP '467 and GB '738, are reversed.                                                              


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