Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 19

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

            insert and the tool shank in the claim bodies do not limit the tool insert structure              
            and are not limitations for determining patentability.  Thus, for example, the                    
            limitation in claims 16-18, "a substantial portion of the other two sides of the insert           
            extending outwardly beyond the end of the shank and forming a cutting tip for                     
            cutting a workpiece," is a statement of an intended relationship between the insert               
            and tool shank when the insert is eventually installed on a tool shank, but it does               
            not limit the structure of the tool insert and is not a claim limitation.  This                   
            interpretation is consistent with Stencel, where a claim to a "driver" was limited as             
            to structure defined by the structure of a "collar" with deformable lobes in the                  
            preamble.  Since use of the tool insert with the tool shank is an intended use, it is             
            not necessary to show the limitations of the tool shank or relationship between the               
            tool insert and the tool shank: it is only necessary to find a the tool insert structure          
            capable of fitting in a tool shank structure as described in the claims and satisfying            
            the 90% and 70% limitations.                                                                      

                   Independent claims 1 and 2 recite "an approximately rhomboidal-shaped                      
            tool insert"; independent claims 10 and 11 recite "a generally rhomboidal-shaped                  

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