Ex Parte 5779400 et al - Page 29

            Appeal No. 2006-2084                                                                              
            Reexamination Control No. 90/006,360                                                              

            The illustration shows that the tip of an insert having a 3/32" thickness extends                 
            outward beyond the end of the shank by 0.0115" due to the 7° relief angle.                        

                   Claims 1, 3-10, and 12-15                                                                  
                   We agree with patent owner that the small amount that the sides of the insert              
            extend beyond the end of the shank in Kyocera does not reasonably meet the                        
            limitation "a substantial portion of the other two sides of the insert extending                  
            beyond the end of the shank," in claim 1, and the limitation "a substantial portion               
            of the other two sides of the rhomboidal insert extending beyond the respective end               
            of the tool shank," in claim 10.  "Substantial" is interpreted to mean more than an               
            incidental amount.  The rejection of claims 1, 3-10, and 12-15 is reversed.                       

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